19-22 June 2017 Adriatiq Hotel Zora, Primošten, Croatia

Constanta Bodea (Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Romania)

BODEA-finalConstanta Bodea received her PhD degree in Cybernetics and Statistics in 1993 from the Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies. Her academic career started in 1985 and now she is full professor at Bucharest University of Economic Studies, teaching artificial intelligence, information systems and project management. She is member of the PMR, the Romanian Project Management Association. She acted as first assessor for certification in Romania according to the International Project Management Association. In 2006 she contributed to the startup of the national Project Excellence Awards in Romania. Constanta Bodea authored more than 200 studies, books and working papers at scientific events. She has an extensive experience from IT and research projects, as project manager and team leader. Her research relates to competences modeling, computer-assisted testing with applications in e-learning, and project risk management.

Time until the conference


EXTENDED submission of abstracts
31 January 2017

Notification on abstracts' acceptance
31 January 2017

Extended submission of papers in Procedia
20 March 2017

Extended payment of early registration fee
15 April 2017

Final deadline for hotel reservation
31 March 2017

Submission of revised papers in Procedia
15 April 2017

Cancellation without penalty
15 May 2017

19-22 June 2017