19-22 June 2017 Adriatiq Hotel Zora, Primošten, Croatia

Marton Takacs (Budapest University of Technology and Economics)

takacs_martonMarton Takacs received his PhD degree in 2007 at Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME). He is currently associate professor at Department of Manufacturing Science and Engineering of BME. Between 2007-2015 he worked at Szent István University’s Ybl Miklós Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering, where he was appointed as college professor in 2011, and served as vice dean from 2010-2014. He was the Head of Department of Building Materials between 2009-2012. His main scientific interest and research activity focus on modern building materials, concrete technology, manufacturing technology, micro- and nanotechnology. He prepared numerous expert’s report about failure of building materials. He is the author and co-author of 70 journal article and conference papers.

Time until the conference


EXTENDED submission of abstracts
31 January 2017

Notification on abstracts' acceptance
31 January 2017

Extended submission of papers in Procedia
20 March 2017

Extended payment of early registration fee
15 April 2017

Final deadline for hotel reservation
31 March 2017

Submission of revised papers in Procedia
15 April 2017

Cancellation without penalty
15 May 2017

19-22 June 2017